Page 12 - Pharma News Letter - Vol2 Issue 1
P. 12

Chapter I

                 Student Activities In Biochemistry
  “Genetic Horizons: Unveiling The Future Of Biochemical


Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Cherif          graphs, diagrams, images, and texts fostering
                                                 critical thinking skills and encouraged
Khater – University President and the            collaborations among peers. With the
leadership of Assoc. Prof. Ahmed R. El-          interactive session that allowed for in-depth
Sheakh, with the supervision of Assoc.           discussions, Q&A sessions, and constructive
Prof. Yousra El-Far, and mentorship of the       feedback, students were encouraged to
biochemistry teaching assistance staff and       distill complex scientific concepts into
as part of the Faculty’s pioneering efforts in   understandable, engaging, and visually
the field of pharmaceutical sciences, and as a   appealing formats.
commitment from the university to develop
its students’ practical and innovative skills
and to motivate them to practice self-learning
utilizing advanced and professional tools, the
students of the second-level designed and
presented posters in the Biochemistry Poster
Day with the aid of BioRender under the
following theme:

“ Genetic Horizons:

Unveiling the Future

of Biochemical Discoveries ”.

BioRender is a web-based tool that allows
the creation of professional scientific figures
for use in presentations, grant applications,
and publications. Millions of scientists use
BioRender to help them save time in creating
such professional figures and graphical

This event served as a platform for students to
present their work in a visually engaging and
informative manner. Students created posters
that represent their research projects using

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