Page 45 - Pharma News Letter Vol1 Issue2 - Converted By Dr. Ahmed Rashed
P. 45

Research Publications

                Effects of early adjunctive pharmacotherapy on serum levels

                 of brain injury biomarkers in patients with traumatic brain
                injury: a systematic review of randomized controlled studies

             Noha O. Mansour ,  Mohamed  Hassan  systematically  searched  using  predefined
             Elnaem ,*,  Doaa  H.  Abdelaziz ,  Muna  search  terms.  English-language  randomized
             Barakat ,  Inderpal  Singh  Dehele ,  Mahmoud  controlled  clinical  trials reporting changes
             E.  Elrggal ,    and  Mahmoud  S.  Abdallah 9    in  brain  injury  biomarkers,  namely,  neuron-
             1  Clinical  Pharmacy  and  Pharmacy  Practice   specific  enolase  (NSE),  glial  fibrillary  acid
             Department,  Faculty  of  Pharmacy,  Mansoura    protein  (GFAP),  ubiquitin  carboxyl-terminal
             University,  Mansoura,  Egypt.                   esterase L1 (UCHL1) and/or S100 beta (S100
                                                              ß), were included. The methodological quality
             2  School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti   of the included studies was assessed using the
             Sains Malaysia, Minden, Malaysia.                Cochrane  risk-of-bias  tool.

             3   School  of  Pharmacy  and  Pharmaceutical    Results:  A  total  of  eleven  studies  with  eight
             Sciences, Ulster University, Coleraine, United   different therapeutic options were investigated; of
             Kingdom,                                         them, tetracyclines, metformin, and memantine

             4   Pharmacy  Practice  and  Clinical  Pharmacy   were  discovered  to  be  promising  choices  that
             Department,  Faculty  of  Pharmacy,  Future      could  improve  neurological  outcomes  in  TBI
             University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt,   Department   patients.  The  most  utilized  serum  biomarkers
             of  Clinical  Pharmacy  and  Therapeutics,       were NSE and S100 ß followed by GFAP, while
             Faculty of Pharmacy, Applied Science Private     none of the included studies quantified UCHL1.
             University, Amman,  Jordan,   MEU Research       The heterogeneity in injury severity categories
             Unit, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan,     and measurement timing may affect the overall
             School of Pharmacy, University of Birmingham,    evaluation of the clinical efficacy of potential
             Birmingham,  United  Kingdom,   College          therapies.  Therefore,  unified  measurement
             of  Pharmacy,  Umm  Al-  Qura  University,       protocols are highly warranted to inform clinical
             Makkah, Saudi Arabia,  Department of Clinical    decisions.
             Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of     Conclusion:     Few     therapeutic    options
             Sadat  City,  Sadat  City,  Egypt                showed  promising  results  as  an  adjuvant  to

             Abstract                                         standard  care  in  patients  with  TBI.  Several
                                                              considerations  for  future  work  must  be
             Objectives: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one   directed  towards  standardizing  monitoring
             of  the  top  causes  of  morbidity  and  mortality   biomarkers. Investigating the pharmacotherapy
             worldwide.  The  review  aimed  to  discuss      effectiveness  using  a  multimodal  biomarker
             and  summarize  the  current  evidence  on  the   panel  is  needed.  Finally,  employing  stratified
             effectiveness  of  adjuvant  neuroprotective     randomization in future clinical trials concerning
             treatments in terms of their effect on brain injury   potential  confounders,  including  age,  trauma
             biomarkers  in  TBI  patients.                   severity  levels,  and  type,  is  crucial  to  inform

             Methods:  To  identify  relevant  studies,  four  clinical  decisions.
             scholarly   databases,   including   PubMed,  fphar.2023.1185277
             Cochrane,  Scopus,  and  Google  Scholar,  were

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