Page 45 - Pharma News Letter - Vol2 Issue 1
P. 45

Student Activities

Sparking The 1st Community Services To
       El-Wady School Visit Report

Community engagement of universities              which is First Aid Kit, to enhance medical
                                                  knowledge and the initial measures that must
plays an important role in enhancing              be taken when exposed to something that
communication and interaction between the         requires medical intervention.
university and the local community. In order
to enhance health knowledge and awareness         Faculty of Dentistry: Awareness speaker
among children, clarify what a home pharmacy      students from the College of Oral and Dental
should include, and how to take care of dental    Medicine and Surgery organized more than
health, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr.      one presentation discussing the importance
Cherif Khater, President of the Mansoura          of oral care and ways to maintain oral and
National University, and supervision of Prof.     dental health. As tooth decay is considered
Ahmed R. Al-Sheikh, Director of the Pharma        the most common among children in the
D - Clinical Pharmacy Program at the College      age group between 4 and 12 years old, a
of Pharmacy, and Prof. Noha El-Wassefy,           special presentation was organized to attract
Director of the Oral and Dental Medicine and      attention to the importance of maintaining
Surgery Program at the College of Dentistry,      dental health from the risk of decay, and to
and Dr. Bassant Maher - Clinical Pharmacy         know the causes and stages of its occurrence.
department, Pharmacy Scientific Association       Then move on to discussing another program
coordinator - in cooperation with Dr. Noha        under the title Tooth brushing that includes
Mousa, director of EL-wady Language               methods which are preferable to follow to
School, a community visit was made to El-         avoid the risk of cavities and many unhealthy
Wadi Language School on November 23rd,            habits, added to what may happen in the case
2023, to achieve the university’s goal of         of carelessness in oral care with a strong
enabling children to understand suitable          warning about the necessity of visiting the
healthy habits and dealing with first aid         dentist to conduct routine examinations
techniques that must be taken when exposed        on an ongoing basis. In addition, another
to situations that require medical intervention.  program was introduced that sheds light
                                                  on the different types of healthy foods that
The Visit Program:                                support the strength of gums and teeth, such
                                                  as: dairy derivatives rich in calcium, which
Faculty of Pharmacy Program: Awareness            is beneficial for bones and teeth, fresh fruits
speaker students from the Faculty of              and unpeeled vegetables, and water and fruit
Pharmacy, under the supervision of Dr.            juices.
Randa Hani and Dr. Amged Salem, made a
presentation under the title “Home Pharmacy”      The school’s management and staff
explaining the importance of the home             expressed their appreciation for this visit,
pharmacy and what it should include in terms      awareness, and efforts. They recognized
of cold and cough medicines, burn creams,         the significance of raising awareness and
and pain relievers, and others, in a simple,      exerting efforts towards their students. The
effective way that suits the target group. Some   remarkable joy and enthusiasm exhibited
medications that can be dispensed without a       by the children were duly acknowledged
physician’s prescription were also discussed      and celebrated. In a gesture of gratitude, the
(OTC medications), such as pain-relieving         school’s management presented certificates
and fever-reducing medications. Not only          to both the faculties’ staff and the students
was it limited to learning these topics, the      who actively participated in this enlightening
speakers were keen to make their message          visit, thus demonstrating their commitment
more effective by addressing another aspect,
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