Page 37 - Pharma News Letter Vol1 Issue2 - Converted By Dr. Ahmed Rashed
P. 37

Student reflections and reviews

                A1: Many things were helpful
                to me, but the fundamentals—I
                mean, I improved my personal                               A2: Let’s start at the beginning.
                skills and wanted to view and                              I thought the matter was easy,
                experience  the  events  more                              frankly,  but  I  found  that  it
                closely.  I  work  as  a  team,                            was  huge  and  squabbled,  but
                and together we have a better                              finally we could overcome all
                understanding of the world and                             this  issues  and  learned  how
                its challenges. My confidence                              to  deal  with  each  member
                has also grown. I mean, I was                              at  the  team  which  is  a  very
                constantly tempted to look up                              tremendous  life  skill.
                something to learn more.             Mohammed

                A1:  I  benefited  from  that  for
                sure.  My  task  was  searching                            A2:  At  the  first,  we  were
                for  specific  parts  of  our                              showing  a  little  enthusiasm,
                penetration’s  topic.  I  had  to                          but  this  was  decreased  by
                hand  them  over  at  a  certain                           time. But fat the end we were
                time.  I  know  a  lot  of  people                         full of passion and power for
                that I did not know by joining                             reaching our target that made
                the  scientific  team.    It  was                          us  participated  successfully
                a  good  experience.  We  also                             at  the  conference.  Really,
                participated at the conference,                            I  learned  a  lot  from  this
                and  thank  God,  we  won.                                 experience.

                                                                                         Vol. 1 - Issue 2 37
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