Page 10 - Pharma News Letter Vol1 Issue2 - Converted By Dr. Ahmed Rashed
P. 10
Chapter I
Student Visit to the EgyptAir Hospital
On Wednesday, May 3 2023
The MNU Faculty of Pharmacy organized About EgyptAir Hospital:
an introductory visit to the Egypt Air Hospital - EgyptAir Hospital has international
that aimed to introduce the students to the labor capabilities and accreditations, which
market in the field of clinical pharmacy, and makes it among the distinguished hospitals.
to benefit from the unique and distinguished
models in this field for developing their - It is considered a great and significant
cognitive skills and abilities. addition to the health system in Egypt
The visit was started with a presentation which provided over the course of 40 years
many health services with its constant
introduced by Dr. Amr Medhat, chief of development.
Clinical Pharmacy Department at the hospital
clarifying the role and responsibilities of - It obtained a certificate of accreditation
pharmacists at hospitals, stressing on their from The General Authority for Healthcare
roles as clinical pharmacists. In addition Accreditation & Regulation (GAHAR) to
to defining health services provided by the be the first hospital in the Arab Republic of
health sector as general for developing the Egypt in the business sector and the second
health care of citizens. Then, the students among hospitals for owning this certificate.
were introduced for rotations to the hospital’s - Clinical pharmacy department and
wards and departments, meeting each clinical responsibilities have been officially applied
pharmacists at each floor for taking a look for in it since 2013, that are implemented in all
the different clinical pharmacy responsibilities hospital specialties till now.
in a real work.
At the end, all students expressed their
appreciations for this visit with the precious
knowledge and information they gained that
affect significantly their vision about the
importance role of the pharmacy field in the
10 Faculty of Pharmacy Newsletter